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Rise in Unprotected Sex by Gay Men Spurs H.I.V. Fears

Federal health officials are reporting a sharp increase in unprotected sex among gay American men, a development that makes it harder to fight the AIDS epidemic. Read Read More

Bad Eating Habits Start in the Womb

Researchers believe that the taste preferences that develop at crucial periods in infancy have lasting effects for life. In fact, changing food preferences beyond toddlerho...

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Benefits of different types of Indian rice

Rice is a staple food in most Indian homes. However, there are different varieties...

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EPA head bets on China for climate change support

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy is optimistic that China will get on board with President Barack Obama’s climate change initiatives, espec...

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UNICEF: More Adolescents Die of AIDS

According to a UNICEF report released on Friday, 50% more people between the ages ...

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Timing of Baby’s First Solids May Affect Allergy Risk

Breast-feeding exclusively for 4 to 6 months, and introducing solid foods while breast-feeding continues, may be a good way to reduce the risk for food allergies in childre...

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80% of medicines not covered by price control order

About 38 million people in India (which is more than Canada’s population) fall below the poverty line every year due to healthcare expenses, of which 70% is on purcha...

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Urban Schools Aim for Environmental Revolution

Six big-city school systems are combining their purchasing power to persuade suppliers to sell healthier and more environment-friendly products, like compostable food trays...

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Whooping Cough Study May Offer Clue on Surge

Scientists said a finding — that baboons vaccinated against the illness could still carry and spread it — could provide insight on the increase in the incidence...

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Eye Makeup Used To Protect Children Can Poison Them Instead

The parents said they were using the kajal to promote eye health.   When health workers tested the kajal in the family’s home, the eyeliner turned out to be...

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