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Dutch Government Taken To Court On Climate Change

Campaigners in the Netherlands are taking the government to court for allegedly failing to protect its citizens from climate change.
The class action lawsuit, involvin...

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China?s Pollution Assault Boosting Solar, Electric Vehicles

Tata Power Delhi Distribution (TPDDL) has won the ‘Innovation for India Awards 2014’, under Business Category, for developing tamper evident and defraud electri...

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NFDC Film Bazaar 2015 Invites Submissions for Three Labs: Screenwriters Lab, Romance Screenwriter’s Lab, and the newly introduced Children’s Screenwriter’s Lab

~The deadline for the submission of the application is April 15~

Mumbai, April 6, 2015: NFDC Film Bazaar 2015 is calling for entri...

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Fighting Climate Change Region By Region

Governments should work closely with state and provincial officials to reduce carbon emissions, say the leaders of Quebec, Canada; Basque Country, Spain; and South Australi...

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Rich Nations Urged To Cut Temperature Rise Targets

Senior scientist says voices of poorer nations must be heard in the political tussle over reducing the ?utterly inadequate? global warming limit. The official target of lim...

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Delhi’s Waste-To-Energy Plants ‘Toxic, Costly, Inefficient’

Waste-to-energy incineration plants may not help Delhi deal with its massive trash problem. They may instead end up adding to its air pollution and cost the government a su...

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India May Submit Climate Change Plans In September; Javadekar Assures Pledges Will Be Submitted “In Time”

India is likely to submit its plans to tackle climate change, including steps to curb the amount of carbon pollution, in September. Tuesday was the first informal deadline ...

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US To Cut 28 Percent Of Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2025

The United States began to outline today how it will achieve the goal of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent by the end of 2025. In a submission to the UN Framew...

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How market forces are winning the climate change battle

Greenhouse gases have stopped rising, and it's not hurting the global economy after all

Despite the stereotype of a business lobby warning about th...

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India has joined the climate change challenge: John Kerry

India has joined the climate change challenge, US Secretary of State John Kerry today said as he praised Indian efforts to combat the growing menace. ?During President Obam...

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