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A Tribute to Kalpana Lajmi

"A woman filmmaker is a hustler who is constantly trying to sell herself." – Kalpana Lajmi   

Global Climate Action Summit 2018: ‘The Challenge is to Act Sooner’

CEO after CEO stood up to declare commitments to reducing carbon use, to everything they do now but cleaner and more efficiently in the Global ...

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Women and Minorities continue to be victims of Pay Disparity in the Newsroom

Each year, women comprise more than two-thirds of graduates with degrees in journalism or mass communications, and yet the media industry is ju...

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Need for a New Social Contract to Guard the Rising Inequality

Mankind has always been afraid of where its talent for innovation might lead. John Maynard Keynes warned in 1930 of widespread unemployment ari...

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Set Screen Time Rules for Peace at Home

Dinner menu, grocery shopping, cinema in a theatre, weekend plans, speaking to family members, almost everythin...

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Letters reveal Vincent Van Gogh was recognised during his Lifetime

Vincent Van Gogh gained significant recognition in his lifetime and had his work viewed by the President of Fra...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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Ways of Seeing

Blind Date has a heartwarming premise - that disability ne...

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Point of View: From Streets to Table

Nothing reflects a culture as its cuisine. Here’s a perspective on India’s food culture....

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Jansen and her Journey in translating VAW data into Meaningful Interventions and Policies

The United Nations defines violence against women as "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is l...

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