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Bill Gates To Launch Clean Energy Project On Sidelines Of Paris Climate Talks.

Microsoft co-founder will announce multi-billion-dollar Initiative Cleantech on opening day of two-week climate summit alongside Barack Obama Microsoft co-founder Bill Gate...

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Drastic Reductions in Meat Consumption Worldwide Could Help Fight Climate Change

If the world piled on the veggies and cut back on steaks and hamburgers, the UK-based think tank Chatham House said in a report this week, the world could ge...

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Shocker: 2015 Is Going To Be The Hottest Year On Record

The world's climate is likely to hit a "symbolic and significant milestone" in 2015, international forecasters announced?on Wednesday. Read More

The World Is Paying A High Price For More Frequent Extreme Weather Eventsa

"Weather and climate are major drivers of disaster risk and this report demonstrates that the world is paying a high price in lives lost," Margareta Wahlstr?m, head of UNIS...

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The Challenge Of Climate Change: An Indian Perspective

Few countries in the world are as vulnerable to the effects of climate change as India is with its vast population that is dependent on the growth of its agrarian economy, ...

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Unless Earth Is Hit By A Huge Asteroid, 2015 Will Likely Be The Hottest Year On Record

"This marked the sixth consecutive month a monthly global temperature record has been broken and was also the?greatest departure from average for any month?in the 1,630 mon...

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Choking Air, Melting Glaciers: How Global Warming Is Changing India

Its Himalayan glaciers are melting fast, its agricultural heartland is drying up and its capital is choking on the world’s filthiest air. Yet India’s government...

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Choking Air, Melting Glaciers: How Global Warming Is Changing India

Its Himalayan glaciers are melting fast, its agricultural heartland is drying up and its capital is choking on the world's filthiest air. Yet India's government is one of t...

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This App Will Tell You Exactly How Much You’re Destroying the Planet

Rather, the primary obstacle to combating climate change remains social in nature, which is why a team of researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology ...

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Copenhagen Documentary Film Festival Winners And Disappointments

When festival director Tine Fischer started CPH: DOX 13 years ago, her mission was to “take documentary into as many directions as possible.” This meant the cre...

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