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Exposure to particulate matter during pregnancy harms foetus

EXPECTANT mothers living in areas with high traffic density and air pollution levels are likely to have babies with low birth weight. A study conducted in 12 European count...

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Australia moves to the bottom of the list in Climate Change Performance Index

GermanWatch and Climate Action Network Europe have downgraded Australia to number 57 out of 61 countries in their latest list on Climate Change Performance.

These s...

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Europe?s leaders to take up youth employment crisis in Paris today

Leaders of Europe assemble in Paris today to discuss ways of dealing with youth employment crisis
after German leader Angela Merkel highlighted it as a major issue tha...

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Title: Polio epidemic from Syria becomes palpable threat for European nations

In recent developments, two German doctors have confirmed a contagion in poliovirus in Syria (a virus that was presumed to be irradicated from the nation in 1999).


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From Plates that Grow Food to Certified Cocoa: UN Awards Innovative Green Enterprises at Green Economy Symposium

Fully biodegradable plates implanted with organic seeds in Colombia to provide food after use, a social media website to promote car-sharing in Viet Nam,certified cocoa for...

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Rotary member and polio survivor Ramesh Ferris shares how ending polio will impact global health

“As a polio survivor, I’ve made it my mission to help bring life-saving vaccines to all children. I was born in India, where I contracted polio as a six-month-o...

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A Possible Rebirth of the Carbon Market?

Many people have voiced pessimism over an international agreement to address climate change since the 2009 climate conference in Copenhagen fell short of expectations. The ...

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Delivering World-Class Health Care, Affordably

India might be the last place on earth where you’d expect to find health care innovation. Government programs have finally brought some infectious diseases under cont...

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Investors sound the alarm on climate change

Why a coalition worth $3 trillion is calling on the oil, gas, coal, and energy industries to reassess the risks of a warming planet:

If human-cause...

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Investors ask fossil fuel companies to assess how business plans fare in low-carbon future.

BOSTON, MA Oct 24, 2013:
A group of 70 global investors managing more than $3 trillion of collective assets today launched the first-ever coordinated effort to spur 45...

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