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Climate change: To understand challenges, Pakistan can look 4,000 years into the past

Changing the hospital orders for women who have just delivered a child led to a 69% increase in the new mothers’ pertussis vaccination rate, providing protection for ...

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Climate change is killing life at the bottom of the sea

Climate change isn’t a matter of controversy– the planet’s climate changes all the time and is arguably doing so now. The question is what’s causing...

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Climate Change Caused Warm Freshwater to be Trapped in Ocean Depths

The polynya was first observed in the Weddell Sea in the 1970s and it has not reappeared after 40 years. Scientists have been studying about this phenomenon’s origins...

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Eliminating maternal mortality could extend life expectancy in reproductive ages

Maternal death rates represent the single largest health discrepancy between developed and developing populations, with nearly all – over 99%—maternal deaths wo...

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Risk of HIV infection is high during pregnancy and the postpartum period

Women living in world regions where HIV infection is common are at high risk of acquiring HIV infection during pregnancy and the postpartum period, according to a study by ...

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British Floods, California Drought: A Connection?

This winter, weather reports have been full of extremes. California, for instance, has had the driest year in 119 years of recordkeeping, with the Sierra snowpack less than...

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Is Climate Change Increasing the Disease Risk for Arctic Marine Mammals?

Climate change is melting Arctic sea ice, leaving animals that depend on it high and dry. Marine mammals like ringed seals have to find new areas to give birth, raise their...

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Young female smokers at higher risk of most common type of breast cancer

A new study has revealed that young women, who have been smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for a decade, are at higher risk of most common type of breast cancer.


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Heat-related deaths will rise 257% by 2050 because of climate change

An elderly couple enjoy an ice cream on Brighton Pier in the summer heatwave of 2013. Heat-related deaths are expected to rise by 2050, as global warming causes temperature...

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Gamers can now join hunt for cancer cure

LONDON: Gaming enthusiasts across the world can from Tuesday join the search for cancer cures with a citizen science project using a smartphone game to help researchers ana...

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