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Many Faces of Trauma

Women with mental problems remain the flavor of the season; after a succession of ‘Girl’ books, deb...

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Racial bias in the field of Science

A racism scandal at H&M was the latest indication of management problems at the Swedish clothing giant. H&a...

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Short Film Festivals to watch out for in February

Screening at a short film festival is a sure-fire way to start creating a buzz around your film and your career...

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Everyday Household Items that cause Pollution

Engineering changes to car exhausts have dramatically reduced the amount of pollution produced per mile, meanin...

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The Opioid Drug Crisis

The lack of global access to pain relief and palliative care throughout the life cycle constitutes a global crisis, and action to close this...

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The Return of the Milk Bottles

1879: Milk is sold in glass bottles for the first time in the United States. It's a clear improvement in hygiene and convenience.


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Ludo Mania On Cell Phones For The Common Man

Ludo mania has swept Mumbai and is spreading to the small towns of northern India, mainly Bihar, U.P. and Jharkhand.

The unusual asp...

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Now Human Eggs Can Be Grown In A Lab

In a first of its kind study, scientists from the United States and the United Kingdom have revealed that they were able to grow human eggs ...

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Canada's National Anthem Becomes Gender Neutral

Canada's national anthem 'O Canada' went through a sl...

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