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Asia’s Music Festival Fans Can’t Get Enough, But Can The Frenzy Last?

China fuels the boom but organisers say new home-grown events are key to ongoing success Asia’s music festival industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, but the ...

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How Street Art Is Bringing Delhi Alive, Thanks To Some Special People

“Moment, second, minute, hour, day, date, month,” I speak aloud as I read, craning my neck to comprehend the string of words mounted on a wall in Lodhi Colony. ...

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Portugal Runs Entirely On Renewable Energy For Four Consecutive Days

Portugal has hit a significant milestone in its bid to become entirely reliant on renewable energy sources after running for 107 hours without using any fossil fuels. From ...

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The World's Largest Coal Company Just Filed For Bankruptcy

The world's largest coal company filed for bankruptcy Wednesday, citing a "historically challenged" market for its carbon-intensive fuel.
Peabody Energy is the third o...

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Australia Is Letting The Great Barrier Reef Die Over A Lot Of Coal

If there was one thing Australia could’ve done to save the Great Barrier Reef, it would’ve been to block the development of the country’s largest coal min...

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Clean Energy Could Save Hundreds Of Billions In Health Costs Every Year

In Paris late last year, the countries of the world pledged to reduce emissions to keep global warming “well below a 2 degree Celsius” rise in global average te...

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A Solar Suitcase Reduces Maternal Mortality Rates

In an age where hundreds of women still die every day in childbirth, light can provide a genuine lifeline. A pioneering solar project is delivering hope to doctors, midwive...

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Greenhouse Gases Could Eventually Heat The Earth Enough To Boil Its Oceans Away

In 2013, NASA’s former chief climate scientist James Hansen published a short whitepaper that warned if humans burned all the planet’s available fossil fuels, i...

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True Review - Two New Shows Of Relevance

In the last few weeks, two channels have espoused women empowerment in their new offerings at Prime Time. Star Plus premiered Tamanna last week, before that Colors launched...

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The Environmental Protection Agency Says Fracking Is Safe — But Its Scientific Advisors Disagree

Last month, the panel of 31 independent scientists charged with reviewing the EPA's draft report stated that the agency's broad conclusion about the mining technique known ...

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