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2014 Brought Lasting Action On Climate Change Policy

Some of the stories that gripped our attention in 2014 will probably be forgotten in a few years ? if not a few weeks. But there's one story that President Obama argues we'...

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Will 2015 Be The Tipping Point For Climate Change Action, Or Was It 2014?

2015 may quite possibly be the year that the world finally wakes up and responds to the challenge of climate change. 2014 provided a glimpse of what the new year may hold I...

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China's largest coal power plant violating air pollution levels every week

China?s largest coal-fired power plant has been violating national emission standards for chemicals that cause dangerous fine particulate matter pollution, official figures...

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Oopsie! $1 Billion in UN Funds to Fight Climate Change Built Coal Power Plants Instead

About $1 billion in Japanese funding that Japan claimed was part of a UN initiative to help developing countries take action against climate change went, unnoticed, towards...

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Six vital steps world leaders must agree to take to protect Earth

International talks in Paris in 2015 could see the world?s nations agree to limit global warming to a rise of 2C. Actually achieving that target will require huge commitmen...

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Russia supports India?s nuclear energy plans

Asserting that nuclear power is the only way to solve India’s energy crisis, Russia has welcomed the Modi Government’s decision to increase the number of nuclea...

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Sweden is Now Recycling 99 Percent of its Trash. Here?s how

It would serve Americans greatly to take a page out of Sweden?s book about recycling their waste. The Scandinavian nation of Sweden has set a new precedent in the world of ...

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Are India's big dams safe?

A recent survey by the Indian government has found out that more than 600 large dams in the country are located in high-intensity seismic zones – areas which are cons...

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5 things to know about coal trade, global warming

As the Obama administration weans the US off polluting fuels blamed for global warming, energy companies have been sending more of America’s unwanted energy leftovers...

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Reservoir levels dip in Maharashtra, may hit major power plants

Koyna hydro power plant already closed due to water crunch Maharashtra could be in for a power crisis if rains don’t arrive soon. With just 19 per cent water left in ...

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