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Time is running out, was said 25 years ago by World's Leading Scientists

A document called “World Scientists' Warning to Humanity” released 25 years ago, in November 1992 warned us that human beings and the natural world are on a col...

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Antibiotic resistance emerging to be a major Public Health Crisis

Antibiotic use plays a key role in the emerging public health crisis of antibiotic resistance. Although the majority of antibiotic use occurs in agricultural set...

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Are Non-vegetarians destroying the Planet?

A new report, Appetite for Destruction, launched at the Extinction and Livestock Conference at London, says the consumption of animal products is leading to a vast...

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India is not the only country rich with festivals - South Korea is no less!

Korea has a lot to offer with its varied culture, history, and tradition. For short-term visitors to South Korea, there's no better way to appreciate the country's true cha...

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How Buzzing Bees Are Helping Save Themselves

At this point, most of us climate change believers are well aware of the symbiotic relationship between bees and a healthy environment. Despite their tiny stature, they pla...

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Dr Noorjehan Safia Niaz – Leading Muslim Women In India To The Heart Of The Discourse On Triple Talak

As the bridge between creative communities and the priorities of our times, Asian Center for Entertainment Education (ACEE) Read More

'Fake Females' To Aid Rare Moth Work In Cairngorms

In the UK, the Kentish glory is only found in north east Scotland. Their fast flight makes the species hard to identify so conservationists are to lure males to the "fake f...

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Kofi Annan: On The Pictures That Capture Our Choking Planet

We are running out of space. Fly over Africa at night and you will see mile after mile of fires burning red in the dark as scrub is removed to make way for human beings. Sa...

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Human Rights Rankings: No Perfect Company

The rankings don’t make for a pretty picture and quite validate the purpose of Corporate Human Rights Benchmark The first Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) rank...

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Human Rights Rankings: No Perfect Company

The first Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) ranking for 2017 is finally out. This next big thing in global human rights tracking is well on its way: it hasn’t p...

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