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NFHS reveals Shocking Information about Marital Rape, use of Condoms and Sterilization

The National Family and Health Survey is a treasure box of valuable information. It is a large-scale, multi-rou...

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Goodbye Shashi Kapoor

One of the brightest stars of our industry now resides in heaven, I guess it is God's turn to say "Mere Paas Shashi Kapoor hai".


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Infertility is no more a ‘Woman’s Problem’, it is Highly Traumatic for Men Too

What's worst than knowing you won't be a dad ever? Though infertility affects both men and women, many times it is misconceived as a medical condition associated with women...

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Bill Gates writes about the success of the Mass Drug Administration Project in Tanzania

Bill Gates, though, is a technologist and a business leader, he is mainly a philanthropist. These days he focuses most of his time on the work he and his wife, Melinda are ...

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Antibiotic resistance emerging to be a major Public Health Crisis

Antibiotic use plays a key role in the emerging public health crisis of antibiotic resistance. Although the majority of antibiotic use occurs in agricultural set...

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Global Warming leads to an Increase in the Six-legged Creatures

There has been a significant increase in insects such as mosquitoes and bed bugs over the years. That means it is highly likely for you to spot them more in your homes, and...

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The One and Only Shot you've got to Have!

The saying "one for all, and all for one" has taken a whole new level of meaning, with this technology. Engineers from Massachusetts Institute of Technology have invented t...

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Preventive Measures for Public Health

With over 77 children dead in Gorakhpur due to a lack of public health services, the government does not seem to see public health as a political priority unless there are ...

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SIXTH SENSE? That’s Childs play.

When we think of human senses we think of eyesight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. Yet we have always known that we are capable of sensing much more than this. Sixth sen...

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Therapy Could Stop Superbugs On Farms

Researchers at Leicester University have shown that it might be possible to develop an alternative to antibiotics for treating diseases in pigs. They have identified a rang...

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