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“The next time you have oral sex or masturbate, know that you are committing a crime. The section 377 criminalizes all except penis-vaginal sex. Think about it. And i...

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Wars Need to be Won on the Inside

Life caged her, death came and freed her!

She radiated hope like a diamond, forever shining, smiling, affecting people with her sense of courage and love for living...

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Collective Comatose

377. Unnatural offences: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with impris...

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Odisha set to implement Climate Change Action Plan

With Climate Change becoming a phenomenon affecting almost every part of the world, local governments are taking it into their hands to turn things around. Odisha, a state ...

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World Innovation Summit for Health 2013: Obesity is a global public health pandemic

In an obesity report published at the summit today, experts, examined obesity related health problems in eight countries, as well as the economic and social burdens it crea...

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Pages from the Diary of a Community Health Worker

It was just another day in the late summer of 1992. Fresh from the success of a community intervention that sought to limit the effects of an outbreak of a gastrointestinal...

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Reaching out beyond the screen

Television has ceased to be the idiot box, it is now more than just a medium of entertainment; we cannot override it as a medium of social influence.  Anita, a 38 year...

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Financing for sustainable development: Can the international financial system make the leap?

The Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals may still be pondering the number and nature of the new goals. However, the question of which issues are “goal...

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In Mexico, investigative journalism can be a life-threatening profession. A veteran reporter and his colleagues at an independent newsw...

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Poignant portrait of well-known Indian Tamil poet Salma. She spent twenty-five years of her life behind closed doors, at first in her e...

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