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Apathy, Waste And The Rhetoric Of Concern

Rafi Nagar, Deonar, Mumbai
April 2012

The auto-rickshaw stopped at the corner of the narrow road. A large mound of garbag...

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India Prone To Bector-Borne Diseases, Heatwaves, Say Experts

India's extreme vulnerability to climate change will have a direct impact on the health of its population, experts said at a seminar on Friday. The World Health Organizatio...

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The United Nations Must Acknowledge That Mental Health Is A Development Goal

Around the world, some of the “treatments” for mental illness include being chained, isolated in a prison cell and physically abused. These human rights violati...

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Climate Change Is Increasing ER Visits For Diseases And Injuries Unrelated To Heat

People of all ages -?not just the elderly -?are more at risk of death and emergency room visits as the earth warms, a recent study has found. The?study, published this mont...

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Why Clean Energy, Not Coal, Is The Solution To Poverty

It is the development conundrum of our era. Extremely poor people cannot lift themselves out of poverty without access to reliable energy. More than a billion people live w...

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HDFC Changing Rural Banking In India Forever

In remote villages and deep hinterland of India, installing and  maintaining an ATM machine is a huge challenge. But banking needs to be spread and rural population ar...

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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Returns In August

ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Eventually, people with ALS lose the ability to initiate and contr...

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Top 5 New Media/Web Platforms For Change

I recently read an article by Sean Parker, the founder president of Facebook and the man behind the revolutionary Napster,that took the music world by storm, speaking about...

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Corporations Going Green For Optimal Returns On HR

The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) in a poll defined Green Workplaces as environmentally sensitive, resource efficient and socially responsible workspaces. The...

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Rhinos With Spy Cams In Their Horns Will Catch Poachers In The Act

What could help protect endangered rhinos from even the most nefarious of poachers? A 24/7, real-time monitoring device that syncs rhinos up directly with the teams that wa...

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