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Synthetic vaccine sought to finally eradicate polio

An international team of scientists is to try to develop a wholly artificial vaccine to combat polio.

The disease is very...

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Global Sustainable Development Goals need clearer, more measurable targets, according to new report

The proposed UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a universal set of goals to guide international development to 2030 – will struggle to achieve their stat...

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Geoengineering is an insane way to deal with climate change. Let’s consider it anyway.

Geoengineering — the idea of deliberately fiddling with the Earth’s climate to reduce global warming — has long been seen as an insane, preposterous, mad-...

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What to Call a Doubter of Climate Change?

The words are hurled around like epithets. People who reject the findings of climate science are dismissed as ?deniers? and ?disinformers.? Those who accept the science are...

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Angelina Jolie Helps Launch New Centre For Women, Peace and Security

The London School of Economics and Political Science today hosted First Secretary of State William Hague and UNHCR Special Envoy Angelina Jolie to launch the UK’s fir...

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Barrier Reef coral genetically altered in hope of surviving climate change

Coral species from different climes being mixed as a form of ?assisted evolution? to see if it will help them adapt more quickly to rising sea temperatures The Australian g...

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Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius - and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. ~ Marilyn Monroe

It has now been a long time that I ...

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Warm and convenient

Babies born with low weight have a tendency to lose heat, or become hypothermic, because they have low energy stores, which cannot be spent on generation of heat, says V K ...

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Is It Time To Take Science Out Of The Climate Change Debate?

Scientists tell us the world is warming and that a climate catastrophe is imminent. They?re probably right. Yet climate change framed by scientists, politicians and economi...

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“To Be or Not To Be”

Nature gives the gift of life.

Law gives the right to life.

Who is to grant, not to live?

It is often a cause of wonderment why human ashes are grey...

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