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Why It’s Taking So Long To Get To 5G

It’s only been five years since 4G mobile broadband came along and made it possible to browse the internet and stream videos on your phone at a decent speed. 4G speed...

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Five Ways Tech Is Crowdsourcing Women’s Empowerment

From gathering data on street harassment in Egypt to finding respectful gynaecologists in India, technology is helping women fight discrimination Even when data is gathered...

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Here's Why Polar Bears' Summer Just Got A Bit Worse

The area of frozen ocean that caps the North Pole was smaller this past month than during any January on record.
Measurements released last week by the National Snow ...

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India's New Open Internet Law Is Stronger Than The United States'

India’s landmark new open internet policy, which was hailed by net neutrality advocates around the world on Monday, increases the pressure on American regulators to a...

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GDP Data To Show Economy Racing, Realities Less Rosy

India will release data on Monday showing it remains one of the fastest growing economies in the world, but economists are struggling to reconcile that rosy picture with gr...

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Why Is Central Africa Missing From So Many Maps? 

You’ve probably had the following experience: You are reading along when a map, shaded in a procession of pastels, interrupts the story. Your eyes travel first to you...

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The Environmental Protection Agency Says Fracking Is Safe — But Its Scientific Advisors Disagree

Last month, the panel of 31 independent scientists charged with reviewing the EPA's draft report stated that the agency's broad conclusion about the mining technique known ...

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What Data Can Do to Fight Poverty

IF social scientists and policy makers have learned anything about how to help the world’s poorest people, it’s not to trust our intuitions or anecdotal evidenc...

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NASA Engineers Unveil The First Light-Based Modem For Spacecraft

To send and receive data, orbiting spacecraft depend on radio-frequency communications. It's been this way since the 1957 launch of Sputnik 1, which made use of two radio f...

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The End of Big Data

Personal data is anything but personal. Our phones and televisions listen in on us; the most powerful corporations in the world trade in consumer tics, browsing histories, ...

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