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Two Women and A Deity

A man ignores his wife and home because he is devoted to God; and the God he prays to, ignores his husbandly duties because he cares for his de...

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Communication and Community Engagement - Key to Disaster Response

"I've got six new blankets piled up," said a Nepali man after the horrific 2015 earthquake in Nepal while what he really needed was some water ...

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The Little Time Machine of Arambol, Goa

In a small part of Goa called Arambol lays a quiet and peaceful wellness retreat called Read More

One Woman’s efforts to end Child Marriage in her Community

Malawi, a landlocked country in south-eastern Africa, has one of the highest rates of child marriage in the wor...

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The Sisterhood of Suburbia

There is a popular saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.  Laura Weisberger’s characters in her book ...

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Kerala Floods: Shame how we Indians politicised a National Calamity and Tragedy

As weeks of wild weather smashed into the north-western Australian coast in February 2018, and record summer ra...

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Contrary to Patriarchy, Adivasi Festivals are centered around Women

Tribals or Adivasis, as they are popularly known as a symbol of self-assertion, comprise of around 8.2 percent ...

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Scarlet Johansson tops Forbes list of Highest Paid Actresses

While rumour has it that Scarlet Johansson isn't the most popular actress anymore like she was a few years back, the 33-year-old actress isn’t down or out, she’...

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Jansen and her Journey in translating VAW data into Meaningful Interventions and Policies

The United Nations defines violence against women as "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is l...

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Shades of Saffron in Good Faith

Saba Naqvi, an accomplished and admired journalist in India, has always fascinated me. I’ve been watching her on prime-time television de...

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