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Drones Set To Give Global Farming A Makeover

The traditional image of a farmer standing in a field, squinting anxiously at the sky for signs of rain, may be about to get a 21st-century makeover as researchers explore ...

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Usage Of Tabs Revolutionises Health Services In Bangladesh

Forty-six-year old Jesmine Akhter had never used a computer until last month when she received a tab to enter data she collects in her village.She is a family welfare assis...

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It's Nearly 2016. Why Aren't Banking Apps More Secure?

In 2013, a security researcher studied 40 banking apps for iOS from some of the world’s biggest banks and found that the majority leaked a lot of personal d...

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Did The LHC Bag A Ginormous New Higgs Boson?

Results presented Tuesday by physicists at the Large Hadron Collider offer the tantalizing hint of a new particle, possibly a very heavy variation of the Higgs bo...

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In Southeast Asia, India Leads In Child Mortality

India accounts for maximum number of newborn deaths in Southeast Asia region. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), out of the total deaths in the region, more ...

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Now That It's Easy To Encrypt Our Chats, Encrypting Metadata Comes Next

There are lots of apps that make it?easy to encrypt your phone calls and chats. But your metadata?the data?about?who you're talking to, when, and more?is more difficult to ...

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What Is The Ideal Cesarean Rate?

For many years, discussions around the ??deal cesarean rate??tended to refer to a 1985 World Health Organization (WHO) consensus statement?that recommended a population-bas...

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In India, IBM?? Watson Will Aid Cancer Care Where Doctors Are Scarce

IBM and a?large hospital system in India have partnered to?diagnose and treat cancer care in a country of 1.2 billion residents who often cannot access oncologists, leaving...

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The Relationship Between Women’s Education And Fertility

With positive signals for fertility decline emerging in sub-Saharan Africa, and development economists debating the potential for African countries to see a “demograp...

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Nielsen Launches Digital Advertising Measurement Solution

The Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings will deliver the reach, frequency, gross rating point (GRP) metrics and demographics of online audiences. The Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings solu...

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