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Delivering World-Class Health Care, Affordably

India might be the last place on earth where you’d expect to find health care innovation. Government programs have finally brought some infectious diseases under cont...

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Drought followed by brain: How climate change spurred evolution of human intelligence

Scientists show shifts from dry to wet and back in East Africa’s Rift Valley caused the development of the human brain.

Humans evolved their ...

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It’s hard to steer clear from the political process in India any longer, hard to ignore the shrill cacophony that dominates as well as overpowers sensibilities and wi...

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In 2000, the UN set eight goals that changed the world. They expire in 2015, what next?


Although it was several years ago, I still remember how Melinda and I felt when we learned about the Millennium Development Goals. We were ho...

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Intangible cultural heritage: A force for sustainable development

No society can flourish without culture – and no development can be sustainable without it. Culture holds answers to many of the challenges societies face today. Awar...

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Investors sound the alarm on climate change

Why a coalition worth $3 trillion is calling on the oil, gas, coal, and energy industries to reassess the risks of a warming planet:

If human-cause...

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A Shifting Balance of Power

The notion and practice of power is arguably what creates and maintains large societies. Since the role of government is conceived to be so integral in safeguarding our soc...

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Women2Drive' campaign gathers speed in their quest to lift the driving ban for women in Saudi Arabia

(New York) – Saudi authorities should end the country’s driving ban for women as the “Women2Drive” campaign gathers momentum, Human Rights Watch sai...

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Hesperian-- A Treasure Trove for Writers who love health

If you are serious about “scripting for life”, you are likely to land up at Hesperian Digital Commons some day. Sarah Shannon who is the executive director...

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Polio cases in Syria spark alarm over rise in diseases including flesh-eating parasites due to civil war

The World Health Organisation has recorded the first suspected outbreak of polio for 14 years in Syria, sparking renewed alarm at the collapse of health care caused by the ...

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