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June-July is traditionally the time for new shows. In fact, SAB TV jumped the gun in early June with an unusual RomCom, a very silent Rumm Pumm Po, with music only ? every ...

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New Film Prize Created To Promote Better Roles For Women

The New York-based Independent Filmmaker Project and Phosphate Productions have partnered to create a new prize, The Phosphate Prize at IFP, to encourage indie film writers...

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Climate Activists Occupy Tate Modern In Dramatic Protest Over BP Sponsorship Of The Arts

On Saturday, activists occupied Tate Modern and staged a 25-hour “textual intervention” at the museum’s Turbine Hall to protest against Tate’s ongoi...

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Technology Matters!

Technology has been heralded as the tool that will expedite the entire evolutionary process of human beings. Technology has boomed over the last 40-45 and has taken over mu...

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Note These Shows, Please

When scriptwriters and producers think out of the box and rope in actors to support their fresh thinking, one can see the emergence of shows which could make viewers sit up...

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Technology, The New Value Add-On

Just as channels and producers are exploring new content, so too television screens are taking on a new look most of the time. What leaps out of the screen is a barrage of ...

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Technology, The New Value Add-On

Just as channels and producers are exploring new content, so too television screens are taking on a new look most of the time. What leaps out of the screen is a barrage of ...

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Here’s Why The Biggest Slum In India Is Honoring A Fictional Rape Victim

Ram Devineni has been thinking a lot lately about shakti — a word that translates loosely from the Sanskrit to “female power.” It’s a transformative...

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If one?s watching a serial minutely, what one can?t overlook are those finely nuanced gestures from an actor. Sure credit does go to the director, and the actor merits it t...

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Cannes Film Review: ‘Masaan’

A ‘Promising Future’ prize in Cannes should help this narratively challenged drama of two families trapped in the strictures of India’s rigid caste system...

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