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How Climate Change affects India

Precisely at a time when India is confronted with development imperatives25, we will also be severely impacted by climate change. Like other developing countries, several s...

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Africa: ‘Green Economies’ for Africa’s Sustainable Development

Africa can achieve sustainable development by scaling up “green economy” initiatives.The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) defines a green economy ini...

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Sustainable development can only be achieved through environmental conservation: Dalai Lama

“People are exploiting nature and sustainable development can only be achieved through conservation. Mother Earth is our home and everybody has to work toward preserv...

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Drought followed by brain: How climate change spurred evolution of human intelligence

Scientists show shifts from dry to wet and back in East Africa’s Rift Valley caused the development of the human brain.

Humans evolved their ...

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Bellarmine Forum explores restorative justice through film – Los Angeles Loyolan : Arts & Entertainment

Crowds of students and faculty alike came together to take part in the Justice on Trial Film Festival this past weekend, proving that the movies are more than just a place ...

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Green tag to keep 40% Western Ghats pristine

40% of Western Ghats to become Ecologically Sensitive Area. Read More Read More

Courting' controversy

India has been witnessing a rising trend of judicial intervention and directives in cases involving a face-off between large institutional project...

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The East is grey

China is the world’s worst polluter but largest investor in green energy. Its rise will have as big an impact on the environment as on the world economy or po...

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