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This Is The End Of Fossil Fuels

Le Bourget, France (CNN) For Selina Leem, an 18-year-old from a tiny part of the Marshall Islands in the middle of the Pacific, the adoption of?Saturday's?"Paris Agreement"...

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Climate Warriors – 13 Women, Activists, Diplomats & Un Climate Change Chief

Every year, the?United Nations holds a summit on climate change, where?it works?to persuade countries large and small to give up fossil fuels. This annual gathering, now in...

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A Big Earthquake Just Hit Oklahoma — And It Might Be the Oil Industry’s Fault

The quake struck at?1:42am?and was centered just southwest of Cherokee, Oklahoma, the US Geological Survey reported. It was the biggest to hit the area this year, but there...

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Persian Gulf Nations Might Be Screwed No Matter What the World Does About Climate Change

In a region where summer temperatures already top 40 degrees Celsius — into triple digits on the Fahrenheit scale — recent research suggests an ever-warmer futu...

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Persian Gulf Nations Might Be Screwed No Matter What the World Does About Climate Change

In a region where summer temperatures already top 40 degrees Celsius ? into triple digits on the Fahrenheit scale ? recent research suggests an ever-warmer future will pose...

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These Nations Might Have The Most To Lose With A Global Climate Deal

So far, more than 120 countries have made detailed pledges for reducing emissions to the United Nations before the Paris conference in early December. Those countries repre...

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The World Bank Warns That The ‘Carbon Bubble’ Could Tank The Global Economy

This is great news for the environment, and bodes well for a sustainable future on Earth. But according to Rachel Kyte, the VP of the World Bank and its special envoy for c...

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How Hydroelectric Power May Undermine Brazil's Pledge To Slash Greenhouse Gases

Brazil's new pledge to slash its national carbon footprint by 43% by 2030 sounds like exactly the kind of aggressive commitment that environmentalists have been clamoring f...

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A Total Of $2.6 Trillion Is Now Being Divested From Fossil Fuels

The commitments come from 436 institutions and 2,040 individuals across 43 nations, which reflects the truly global nature of the divestment movement. Norway?s Sovereign Fu...

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MUSK: We're Headed For A Climate Refugee Nightmare

?Today?s refugee problem is perhaps a small indication of what the future will be like if we do not take action with respect to climate change,? Musk said during his openin...

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