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India Reduces Baby Deaths But Still Hasn’t Met 2012 Targets

Of 36 Indian states and Union territories (UTs), the lowest IMRs were reported from Goa and Manipur with nine infant deaths per 1,000 live births First, the good news: 37 b...

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‘The Lancet’ on Achieving Maternal Health Goals in the SDG Era: Tackling Diversity and Divergence

Between 1990 and 2015, there was an incredible 44 percent decrease in global maternal mortality rates. But these impressive gains still fell short of the Millennium Develop...

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Mobile Diagnostic Device That Helps Pregnant Women In Rural India Receive Timely Medical Attention

A six-page report published in September by the established UK medical journal Lancet provided some shocking figures about maternal mortality in India. It revealed that in ...

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Ben Smith Completes 401st Marathon In 401 Days

Ben Smith, 34, began his charity attempt on 1 September 2015 and ran 284 consecutive marathons in 284 days. He then developed an umbilical hernia in June which forced him t...

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Prioritizing Maternal And Newborn Survival: Time To Look To The Developing World For Affordable Solutions

With America unique among developed and most developing countries in its rising maternal mortality, it's especially encouraging to see significant progress in mothers' and ...

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Infant Mortality Rate: Target Set By Millennium Development Goals Not Met

Sample Registration System (SRS) Bulletin 2014, published by the Registrar General of India and was released earlier this month shows that none of the ten big states (for w...

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India Misses Millennium Development Goal 5

Under the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 5, the target for India was to reduce Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR) by three quarters between 1990 and 2015. Based on the UN In...

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Global Health Funding Becoming Scarce: Study

People wasting away from AIDS or succumbing to malaria may become an increasingly common sight within the next 25 years, as funding for universal health care shrivels up. Read More

Transition From Millennium Development Goals To Sustainable Development Goals In India

India has made a significant progress towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and some targets have been achieved. However progress has been mixed. There is a scope...

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Empty Promises And Dead Children

Buried among the 169 targets contained in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – adopted by the United Nations last September amid a blaze of glitzy events, celeb...

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