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Could Alzheimer’s Stem From Infections? It Makes Sense, Experts Say

Could it be that Alzheimer’s disease stems from the toxic remnants of the brain’s attempt to fight off infection? Provocative new research by a team of investig...

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Safia Manto: The Woman Who Stood By The Writer Through All Times

So little is known and even less written about the women who have unflinchingly supported their celebrated men. It is true that SafiaDeen would not have been known had she ...

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Scientists Think Intelligent Life Could Have Evolved Before Brains

Today, French scientists took a poke at humans’ intellectual hegemony by demonstrating, for the first time ever, that a single-celled organism without a brain or nerv...

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NASA Wants To Turn This Asteroid Into An Art Gallery

For emerging artists, finding gallery space to exhibit your art can be tough, especially if your art caters to niche interests (like, say, Sonic erotica). But luckily for a...

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True Review Movie - English- Legend

Critics rating: 1.5 Stars

Cast :  Tom Hardy, Emily Browning, Christopher Ecclestone, Joshua Hill, Colin Morgan


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Surfing channels during commercial breaks is when I discover new shows to follow. What it throws up is just not just new shows, but new talent, varied subjects, etc. A few ...

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India, A Victim Of E-Waste Crime

Much of the 40 million tonnes of electronic waste produced around the world — old smartphones, TVs, laptops and obsolete kitchen appliances — finds its way ille...

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Bill Gates Reviews ??n Immunity??- Book On Vaccination

Vaccines continue to be a hot topic with the measles outbreak and the Ebola virus. In his latest book review of On Immunity by Eula Biss, Bill Gates takes a close look at t...

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True Review – Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb

Critics Rating: 2.5 Stars

Cast: Ben Stiller, Robin Williams, Owen Wilson, Steve Coogan, Dan Stevens, Ricky Gervais, Rebel Wilson, Ben Kings...

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Scientists make DNA barcode of malaria parasite

An international team of researchers led by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom, has identified segments in the DNA of malaria-causing parasi...

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