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Obama’s Steep New Emissions Rules Praised As ‘Great Advance,’ Scorned As ‘Power Grab’

President Obama's introduction of the final draft of his Clean Power Plan on Monday was met with mixed responses, as the White House hailed the proposal as their "biggest a...

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Drones Are Grounding Wildfire Fighting Aircraft In California.

Mid to late July in southern California is the very heart of wildfire season. And with many years of drought ensuring the state’s forests are parched and as ready to ...

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How Obama’s Getting Americans To Care About Climate Change

BARACK OBAMA HAS a way with words?for which he?s been both vilified (all talk!) and adored (so inspiring!). Hate or love, nobody can deny he?s good at communicating. Case i...

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How Obama?? Getting Americans To Care About Climate Change

BARACK OBAMA HAS a way with words??or which he?? been both vilified (all talk!) and adored (so inspiring!). Hate or love, nobody can deny he?? good at communicating. Case i...

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The Many Faces Of Media

Panoramic landscapes of rock formations on face of the earth are not the only structures that present the spectacle of erosion. What takes infinite centuries to change the ...

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White House Issues Veto Threats For Two GOP Environment Bills

The White House has threatened to veto two GOP measures taking aim at Obama administration climate efforts. Lawmakers will consider Wednesday a bill from Rep. Ed Whitfield ...

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Kickstart Trapped, A Documentary To Protect Women’s Rights

Thirty percent of American women will have an abortion in their lifetime. Nearly half of these women live at or below the federal poverty line, and they’re four times...

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How market forces are winning the climate change battle

Greenhouse gases have stopped rising, and it's not hurting the global economy after all

Despite the stereotype of a business lobby warning about th...

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New safety rules for offshore Arctic drilling proposed to avoid repeat of Shell disaster

US officials want to make sure companies can handle a blow-out in remote and icy conditions – without inflicting an environmental disaster The Obama administration pr...

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Is It Time To Take Science Out Of The Climate Change Debate?

Scientists tell us the world is warming and that a climate catastrophe is imminent. They?re probably right. Yet climate change framed by scientists, politicians and economi...

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