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Will Life ever return to Normal for these Families displaced by War in Yemen?

Yemen is the world’s single largest humanitarian crisis. Hunger is constant. The besieged port city of Hodeida in Yemen has bec...

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Increasing Temperatures Trigger a Response in the Plant’s RNA

A new study used rice seedlings to show that the stress of higher temperatures can trigger a response in the RNA of a plant to control the chan...

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Increasing Human Activities is leading to Rapidly Decreasing Wilderness

The world’s last wilderness areas are rapidly disappearing. According to a recent study, between the years 1993 and 2009, an area larger ...

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Living in the Troll Age

Fifty years ago, the internet was used as a medium to communicate between two individuals.  Over time, it ...

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New Study reveals that Flying Insects can carry Microplastics through Air

Flying insects are contaminating new environments and threatening birds and other creatures that eat the insects by eating microplastics in pol...

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Can Grassroots Leaders bring the Change We Want?

It has become increasingly clear to every citizen that our elected officials are very good at rhetoric, at poin...

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When Music becomes a Violent Weapon

One of the most difficult times for countries and individuals to go through is war. History has shown us that music was used as a way to help s...

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Can we save our Planet from the Hothouse Earth Scenario?

A “Hothouse Earth” climate will in the long term stabilize at a global average of 4-5°C higher ...

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Point of View: From Streets to Table

Nothing reflects a culture as its cuisine. Here’s a perspective on India’s food culture....

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The Rise of Denialism and the Reason Why We Deny

Humans have developed ways to use language to deceive others and themselves. We also refuse to accept that some...

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