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??India lives in her villages,? is a quote attributed to Mahatma Gandhi. ?This isn't the exact quote, though. Gandhiji actually wrote, ?India is not Calcutta and Bombay. In...

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The Real Value Of Investing In Sustainability

Marina Bay Sands, which owns Singapore’s largest hotel by number of rooms, has sustainability ingrained in employees since day one. Its efforts at reducing waste and ...

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Traditions, Society And Healthcare- Taking A Look At Community Health Issues

It was a cool afternoon in the winter of 1990. We were walking toward a remote village on a dirt road through a forest. It was a voyage of delightful discovery of flora...

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KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut Adopt Zero Deforestation Policy For Palm Oil

Yum! Brands, the company that owns KFC, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, on Thursday announced a zero deforestation policy for its palm oil sourcing. The move came after aggressive...

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Digging Deep: Our Affinity For Rituals

We build off the shoulders of our ancestors. As the shadow of our pastdances against the wall of time, every nuanced movement, every refraction, every proportion contains t...

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Delhi’s Waste-To-Energy Plants ‘Toxic, Costly, Inefficient’

Waste-to-energy incineration plants may not help Delhi deal with its massive trash problem. They may instead end up adding to its air pollution and cost the government a su...

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Deepa Sahi on role of experts in contant creation

Deepa Sahi is an Indian actress and producer who is an alumnus of The National School of Drama, Delhi. Ms. Sahi started off with a theater career, and social activism a cor...

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Impact Awards at Elevate 2015 for the TV Series 'Diya Aur Baati Hum

Diya Aur Baati Hum is the story of Sandhya as she trains as an Indian Police Service officer. She dreams to break the boundaries of her confined existence of middle class v...

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When German friends first visited Bombay, they were blown away by the multiple ethnic groups on the streets. They had just visited the Rajabai Clock Tower and seen statues ...

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Women-led films changing trends, says Anushka Sharma

Anushka Sharma feels that there is disparity in the remuneration of male and female actors in Bollywood, but the actress-producer thanks films like “Queen” and ...

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