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How Climate Change In The Arctic Could Cause Tsunamis In The UK

Disasters are ranked according to both their potential for damage and the likelihood that they will occur in the next five years. An influenza pandemic, for example, is con...

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What Effect Does Paid Maternity Leave Have On Infant Mortality?

For each additional month of paid maternity leave offered in low- and middle-income countries, infant mortality is reduced by 13 percent.
“A significant number o...

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Humans Care More About Climate Change if They Know They're Responsible

Climate change denial is still a huge problem among elected representatives, to say nothing of the general populace, and even when our elected leaders do try to act to comb...

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The Ocean Conditions That Are Bleaching the Great Barrier Reef May Be the New Normal in 20 Years

The coral bleaching that has devastated Australia's iconic Great Barrier Reef — and been described as the most extreme event in the reef's history — would have ...

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The Gender Beat: South Asian Women Earn 80% Less Than Men; Kerala’s First Woman Boat Master

A new study published by the international organisation Action Aid titled The Price of Privilege: Extreme Wealth, Unaccountable Power and the Fight for Equality in the 21st...

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Tobacco Smoke Exposure in Home Risks Kids' Health

The dangers of smoking near a child have been well-documented and now, a new study has revealed that exposure to tobacco smoke inside the home can increase their childhood ...

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Scientists Think Intelligent Life Could Have Evolved Before Brains

Today, French scientists took a poke at humans’ intellectual hegemony by demonstrating, for the first time ever, that a single-celled organism without a brain or nerv...

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Kaleidoscope - Glimpses Of Kabul

Western women who do not have to live under oppressive conditions in strictly patriarchal countries like Afghanistan tend to romantisize the country's beauty and the nobili...

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Kaleidoscope- On The Cusp Of Change

The spectacular Disney musical Beauty And The Beast returned for a second season and in spite of high ticket rates, was sold out.

The production has all the gra...

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Global Health Funding Becoming Scarce: Study

People wasting away from AIDS or succumbing to malaria may become an increasingly common sight within the next 25 years, as funding for universal health care shrivels up. Read More