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As the Anil Kapoor produced and helmed 24 draws to a close this weekend, viewers are most likely to feel a tinge of withdrawal symptoms on Friday-Saturday nights.  On&...

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Can carbon budgets divert the world from dangerous climate change?

It's not a pretty picture. The IPCC is brutally honest about where it can't provide certainty, such as the exact extent of specific kinds of extreme weather in th...

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“The next time you have oral sex or masturbate, know that you are committing a crime. The section 377 criminalizes all except penis-vaginal sex. Think about it. And i...

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Wars Need to be Won on the Inside

Life caged her, death came and freed her!

She radiated hope like a diamond, forever shining, smiling, affecting people with her sense of courage and love for living...

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Collective Comatose

377. Unnatural offences: Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animal shall be punished with impris...

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Odisha set to implement Climate Change Action Plan

With Climate Change becoming a phenomenon affecting almost every part of the world, local governments are taking it into their hands to turn things around. Odisha, a state ...

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Remembering Nelson Mandela and His Fight for Climate Justice

Nelson Mandela has been a fighter for Human and Civil Rights his entire life. However, not much is known
about his fight for climate change and the people that have be...

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Cuba: The Meaning of Human Rights

Cuba, a communist country has been showing great progress in the fields of development and human rights. Some statistics that show this rise are as follows:
As a resul...

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Building partnerships with patients is critical to improving health reform practices

Patient engagement will be the “blockbuster drug of the 21st century” which will help countries “shepherd resources,” said Susan Edgman-Levitan, Exe...

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Bollywood stars Aamir Khan, Farhan Akhtar, John Abraham, Anushka Sharma express disappointment on Twitter over Supreme Court verdict on homosexuality

Bollywood celebrites on Wednesday voiced disappointment over the Supreme Court verdict that criminalised homosexuality, calling it “violative of basic human rights". ...

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