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Blake Lively Highlights Support For Child Rescue Coalition In Fight Against Child Pornography

Child Rescue Coalition’s vital work tracking and arresting thousands of child predators across the globe has captured the attention of actress and mother, Blake Livel...

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Earth Could Hit 1.5 Degrees Of Global Warming In Just Nine Years

The Earth could be 1.5 degrees Celsius warmer than the late 1800s in just nine years, according to new research which suggests the aspirational Paris Agreement target is un...

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The Best Advise 11 Inspiring Women Would Give To Their College Selves

"You’re not even an engineer — why are you so involved in the movement to advance women in tech?” This is a question I’ve been asked multiple times ...

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India, Neighbours, Push For Leprosy, Kala Azar Elimination By 2020

Countries in the WHO South-East Asian Region including India today resolved to fast-track efforts to eradicate and eliminate neglected tropical diseases (NTD) such as lepro...

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How Much Has Actually Changed 4 Years On From The Rana Plaza Collapse?

“Who made my clothes?” It’s a simple question, but one which many brands are still reluctant to answer and many of us are too distracted or disengaged to ...

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Melinda Gates: Contraception Is ‘One Of The Best’ Ways To Fight Poverty

Melinda Gates promoted contraception for women in developing nations yet again in two media opportunities last week. Gates told online CNN readers in an opinion piece, &ldq...

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Matt Damon: Children Are Drinking Water So Dirty, It Looks Like Chocolate Milk

Jetlagged after a flight from Australia, Matt Damon is wearing a smart dark suit with a crisp white shirt as he sits at the headquarters of the World Bank in Washington. He...

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17 Western Ghats Have Smaller Ranges Than What Experts Estimated

Birds endemic to the biodiverse Western Ghats appear to be in greater danger than they were thought to be, because the range of places they live in may have been overestima...

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World’s First Malaria Vaccine Will Be Tested In Kenya, Ghana And Malawi

The world’s first malaria vaccine will be tested on people from three African countries—Ghana, Kenya and Malawi. On April 24, the World Health Organization anno...

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India Clears 'Lipstick Under My Burkha' For Restricted Release

An appeals board of India's film censor authority has cleared an award-winning Hindi language film for limited release. Lipstick Under My Burkha was earlier refused certifi...

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