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Human Rights Violations in the Interpersonal Sphere

Individuals, families, communities, the government and the workplace - all have witnessed human rights abuses b...

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The Distinctive Style of David Bowie

It’s been almost two years since David Bowie ripped a gigantic hole in our hearts. And no wonder he still...

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Pakistan Stands Up for Transgender Rights

Transgenders are a diverse community, representing all racial and ethnic backgrounds, as well as faith backgrou...

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Questioning Society’s long history of Villainizing Women

Amanda Knox knows all too well what it’s like to be made into a villain. The 30-year-old writer-activist'...

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A Project to track our Ecological Footprints

‘Development’ is shorthand for committing to well-being for all. ‘Sustainable’ implies ...

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Meet Sandra Moran: Guatemala’s First Openly Lesbian Congresswoman

Sandra Moran, 55, was elected to Congress as its first openly gay member in the September 2015 general election...

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Male Contraceptives to Help Reduce Birth-Control Burden on Women

Females have a plethora of contraception to choose from, including long-term solutions like the IUD and the imp...

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I will always be an art filmmaker - Sanal Kumar Sasidharan

Cinema in the time of spiralling budgets is not his scene. Sanal Kumar Sasidharan, the 41-year-old outspoken di...

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TED talks the Audacious Project

TED, the non-profit known for its immensely popular video lectures—or TED Talks— has announced the ...

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A Chinese Farming Project offers a Sustainable Future

China is grappling with a daunting conundrum: how to feed nearly one-fifth of the world’s population with...

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