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Davos 2019: Sir Attenborough and Prince William question World Leaders on the Environmental Crisis

On Monday, 21st January, Sir David Attenborough and Prince William met in an interview at the World Economic Forum in Switzerlan...

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A new study suggests ‘less meat for people who eat a lot of it, and more for the world’s poor’

Health is common for all. The health of a human determines the health of a planet. In short, it is important to notice what we feed our world t...

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Your morning cup of coffee may be at risk

Scientists have found that more than 60% of the world’s coffee plants are in the edge of extinction. As reported by the BBC, mor...

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Access to better Health-care Facilities can reduce 71% of Neonatal deaths in India

According to the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) ‘Survive and Thrive’ report...

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Indian Documentary ‘Reason’ wins at the International Documentary Film Festival in Amsterdam

The International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam held in November marks its third decade since its inaugural year under t...

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Air Quality, a main factor when choosing School for Children

An increasing number of parents avoid good schools because of the local air quality while some are even looking to move out of cities altogethe...

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Living in the Troll Age

Fifty years ago, the internet was used as a medium to communicate between two individuals.  Over time, it ...

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New Study reveals that Flying Insects can carry Microplastics through Air

Flying insects are contaminating new environments and threatening birds and other creatures that eat the insects by eating microplastics in pol...

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Will NHPM help India achieve Universal Health Coverage?

In March 2015, Kailash Burange, a traditional art painter, and his wife Arti travelled in an ambulance for more...

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The Alchemy of Fear, Superstition and why India should be led by a Coalition Government?

The Modi-led BJP came to power in 2014, after three decades that any political party of India got a majority in...

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