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How Women Contribute $3 Trillion To Global Healthcare

The traditional focus on women’s health tends to emphasise only their healthcare needs. But women are important providers – as much as they are recipients &ndas...

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Technology, The New Value Add-On

Just as channels and producers are exploring new content, so too television screens are taking on a new look most of the time. What leaps out of the screen is a barrage of ...

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Technology, The New Value Add-On

Just as channels and producers are exploring new content, so too television screens are taking on a new look most of the time. What leaps out of the screen is a barrage of ...

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Assessing Risk, Expanding Reach: Innovative Ultrasound Designed For Front-Line Healthcare Workers To Help Improve Maternal Health

GE Healthcare introduced in certain countries in Africa and Southeast Asia its new Vscan AccessTM portable ultrasound system, designed to help healthcare providers improve ...

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Kickstart Trapped, A Documentary To Protect Women’s Rights

Thirty percent of American women will have an abortion in their lifetime. Nearly half of these women live at or below the federal poverty line, and they’re four times...

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Traditions, Society And Healthcare- Taking A Look At Community Health Issues

It was a cool afternoon in the winter of 1990. We were walking toward a remote village on a dirt road through a forest. It was a voyage of delightful discovery of flora...

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Tradition is a word that almost all Indians have grown up hearing. "India is a land of tradition", "our traditions date back to the earliest forms of civilisation", are jus...

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After Genital Cutting in Somalia, a Woman Chooses Reconstructive Surgery in America

Women who went through female genital cutting before coming to America face unique challenges. It is as if we were designed to live only in the society of our origin; we do...

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Random Thoughts

It?s been a week of stray watching besides follow ups. ? I can?t understand why a channel like Disney Channel plays low key when they launch a new indigenous show. I am ref...

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Maternal deaths come down by 11 points

PATNA: Bihar has registered a decline of 11 points in the maternal mortality rate between 2011- 13. According to figures released by Registrar General of India this week, 2...

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