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Health officials asked to explain 2,234 new HIV infections in the past two years

After the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) revealed that 2,234 people in the country have been infected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) from 2014 to 2016...

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'Affection' Is An Uplifting New Play About HIV

Six years ago, theatre director Ben Buratta started an unusual collective called Outbox Theatre. Consisting solely of LGBTQ performers, they hold workshops with youth group...

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Breastfeed, For Keeping Newborns Free Of Infections

A new study based on data collected from the city claims breastfeeding within one hour of birth prevents neonatal sepsis
Here is another reason for mothers to breastfe...

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Adolescent Sexual Health: Time To Invest In A Healthy Future Generation

Good adolescent sexual health is the cornerstone of future healthy families and is essential for the development of optimal intimate and social relations including gender e...

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Know About Vaccines To Prevent Infections: Dr Hari Kishan Boorugu

Dr Hari Kishan Boorugu, Senior Consultant Physician, Apollo Hospital, Hyderguda, delivered the 248th Public Garden Walkers' Association (PGWA) monthly Health Lecture, on &l...

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A Universal Cancer Vaccine Might Be Closer Than You Think

There are so many cancers and so many things that can work in concert or independently to increase a person's cancer risk—to say nothing of the sheer scope and scale ...

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How Worried Should We Be About The 'Nightmare Bacteria' Making Headlines?

 “It’s not that this bacteria is highly transmissible,” said Dr. Emil Lesho, director of WRAIR’s Multidrug-resistant Organism Repository and Su...

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The Battle Against Superbugs

The sugar-loving Klebsiella pneumoniae, that resembles a squished-up earplug, can strike fear into the hearts of surgeons and scientists. The bacterium can repel even the m...

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Could Alzheimer’s Stem From Infections? It Makes Sense, Experts Say

Could it be that Alzheimer’s disease stems from the toxic remnants of the brain’s attempt to fight off infection? Provocative new research by a team of investig...

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India Lauded For Red Line Campaign On Antibiotics

India’s idea of putting a red line on antibiotic packages to curb their over-the-counter sale is now being cited as a model that can be used globally to counter the r...

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