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Kaleidoscope - Honesty Or Racism?

It’s a hot topic right now—millions of refugees from Islamic countries flocking to Europe and tilting the population balance. Already, prophets of doom are pred...

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Why Hollywood Needs More Female Anti-Heroes

"Oh my god, the world is ruined: The women have guns."

This, according to Geena Davis, was a typical overblown reaction when Thelma & Louise hit ...

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Most Kids In India Lack Timely Vaccinations

Two-thirds of children in India do not receive their vaccinations on time, prolonging their susceptibility to diseases and contributing to untimely deaths, say University o...

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Microplastics Killing Fish Before They Reach Reproductive Age, Study Finds

The growing problem of microplastics – tiny particles of polymer-type materials from modern industry – has been thought for several years to be a peri...

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Kaleidoscope - Just Not Funny

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article belong to the writer and not indicative or representative of the organization ACEE - The Third Eye


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A Universal Cancer Vaccine Might Be Closer Than You Think

There are so many cancers and so many things that can work in concert or independently to increase a person's cancer risk—to say nothing of the sheer scope and scale ...

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This Canadian Company Wants To Mine For Gold On The Bottom Of The Ocean

Villagers have embraced offers of new sanitation systems, homes and bridges. But they don't fully comprehend what Nautilus wants to do starting as early as 2018 at a site 3...

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Programmers Aren't Writing Green Code Where It's Most Needed

Confession? I don't write green code. I mean, it might be green code just by coincidence, but I've never really thought too much about the relative energy consumption deman...

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Beano For Bovines: Here's How Researchers Are Cutting Methane Emissions From Cows

Just as people plagued by flatulence have turned to diets and supplements for relief, scientists are seeking a cure for belching — and sometimes farting — cows....

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Has Celebrity Feminism Failed?

It has become fashionable to identify as a feminist in Hollywood, but a social and political force needs substance, not just award-ceremony speeches, to refocus the spotlig...

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