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Female Cartoonist Who Was Jailed For Depicting Government Ministers As Goats Is Finally Free

“I would rather go to jail than succumb to the regime”: these are the defiant words of Iranian satirical cartoonist Atena Farghadani, who is just the latest in ...

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Today's Artists Are Sick Of History Framing Women As Perfect

In art and in life, women have long been held to impossible standards of perfection. Walk through the halls of any museum and you’re sure to encounter classicall...

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Two Trans Women Make Political History

In November, two transgender women will run for Congress as Democrats.
In Utah, 30-year-old grocery store clerk Misty Snow, who worked her shifts while campaigning, wi...

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“An artclass on the footpath…”

Interns Pranoy Shaiva and Shreyas Nair contributed both words and photographs for this writeup.

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UN Makes History On Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity

The United Nations Human Rights Council, in a defining vote, adopted a resolution on June 30, 2016, on “Protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual...

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Volkswagen To Pay $14.7bn Settlement And Buy Back Cars From Consumers

Volkswagen has agreed to pay $14.7bn to settle claims generated by its emissions rigging scandal and to buy back cars from consumers at pre-scandal prices, the Department o...

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Philanthropist Bill Gates Talks Public Health, Biotech, And The Race For The White House

Bill Gates became one of the richest men in history after cofounding Microsoft. His impact on the world of personal computing cannot be overstated. But for more than 15 yea...

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New York Makes History, With Tampons And Pads

New York City made history today with passage of the nation’s first legislative package to ensure access to menstrual products in public schools, shelters and correct...

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Coral Bleaching Event Now Biggest In History – And About To Get Worse

“All northern hemisphere US-coral reefs are on alert for coral bleaching this year,” said Mark Eakin, coordinator of Coral Reef Watch at Noaa. “If we see ...

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Discrimination Runs Deep In India: It's Time To Accept It

It was accepting that enslaving another human being is callous that led to the abolishment of the Atlantic slave trade. But it took nearly four centuries to get there. It w...

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