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Whooping Cough Study May Offer Clue on Surge

Scientists said a finding — that baboons vaccinated against the illness could still carry and spread it — could provide insight on the increase in the incidence...

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Happiness: A Goal Worth Pursuing

As daunting as it may be, defining what makes us happy is imperative in modern society. The Neolithic revolution, which took place approximately 12 thousand years ago, was ...

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Exposure to particulate matter during pregnancy harms foetus

EXPECTANT mothers living in areas with high traffic density and air pollution levels are likely to have babies with low birth weight. A study conducted in 12 European count...

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Boys turning to sex trade in Kerala District: Study

There has been a rapid increase in the number of boys engaging in sex work in Malappuram district in Kerala, a study has found.

KP Jayaraj, a PhD student at Jamia M...

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Support for Africa's Youth led businesses can lead to unimaginable change in the continent

The continent of Africa has the chance to harness the power of its youth. The youth segment in Africa is currently the highest demographic segment in the continent.

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UN Environment Programme states an increase in global green house gas emissions by 2020 (Emissions Gap report 2013)

The United Nations says it is “less and less likely” that global greenhouse gas emissions will be low enough by 2020 to stop the atmosphere warming beyond the i...

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Young Women In Low Paid Jobs Triples In 20 Years, Warns TUC

Three times as many young women are employed in low paid, low skilled jobs than 20 years ago, according to a new report commissioned by the Trades Union Congress.


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Igniting Minds for a Brighter Future

Reading the newspaper has become a troubling ordeal of late. Page after

page narrates incidents of crimes against women, communal tension and cases
of corrupti...

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Survey: For young children, mobile devices such as tablets, smartphones now a mainstay

The vast majority of young children in the United States are using mobile devices and for much longer periods of time, with an even greater number of babies being exposed t...

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Strengthening African health systems

A group of current and former African finance ministers discussed ways to improve the management of public health systems at an early October roundtable convened by Harvard...

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