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Why The Nobel Prize Winning Discovery Of Autophagy Matters

Nobel laureate Yoshinori Ohsumi’s work on mechanisms underlying autophagy — a fundamental process of degrading and recycling cellular components — has gen...

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Hurricane Matthew ' Will Kill You,' Says Florida Governor

"This storm will kill you."
That's the message officials in South Carolina and Florida are trying to get across to residents potentially in the path of the storm. Matt...

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English Village Set An Example By Quietly Cleaning Up Its Own Patch

Climate change is one of the defining challenges of the 21st century. But a small village of England, Ashton Hayes teaches the lesson to the rest of country by becoming Bri...

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Bollywood Actors Who Did Something For People Internationally

When it comes to Indian actors they leave no stone unturned in marking their place in Bollywood or Hollywood for that matter. A recent trend that has been prevalent among o...

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The Law Cannot Be Blind Kaleidoscope

12 Angry Men, written by Reginald Rose in 1957 was a teleplay, converted to a film by the great Sidney Lumet. The play is one of the classics of modern theatre&mda...

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True Review Movie - Fire Files In The Abyss

Direction: Chandrashekhar Reddy

Duration: 145 Mins*

Fireflies in the Abyss is a sombre look at the plight of the Nepali immigrants. For this endeavour ...

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Global Air Pollution Crisis 'Must Not Be Left To Private Sector'

The global air pollution crisis killing more than 6 million people a year must be tackled by governments as a matter of urgency and not just left to the private sector, a r...

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True Review Television - Threshold Of New Shows

Dahleez which is a finite series of 160 episodes, winds down this weekend, although the requisite 160 episodes haven’t been reached. Sadly, its slot will be taken up ...

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Kaleidoscope - Of Human Bondage

In India, where a large section of the population is vegetarian, the hullabaloo over a women refusing to eat meat would seem excessive, but in, South Korean writer Han Kang...

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Air Pollution Now Major Contributor To Stroke, Global Study Finds

Air pollution has become a major contributor to stroke for the first time, with unclean air now blamed for nearly one third of the years of healthy life lost to the conditi...

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