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How Obama?? Getting Americans To Care About Climate Change

BARACK OBAMA HAS a way with words??or which he?? been both vilified (all talk!) and adored (so inspiring!). Hate or love, nobody can deny he?? good at communicating. Case i...

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White House Set To Adopt Sweeping Curbs On Carbon Pollution

The Obama administration will formally adopt an ambitious regulation for cutting greenhouse-gas pollution on Monday, requiring every state to reduce emissions from coal-bur...

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Hear The Poor Cry

A Very significant document has come out. It is a letter from Pope Francis addressed to everyone on this planet.

Pope Francis is head of the world’s largest r...

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Shell Just Got The Green Light To Drill In The Arctic

Federal regulators say Shell can start drilling for oil in the frigid waters off Alaska this summer, but it can't go all the way without protection. The device that would b...

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Rising Fossil Fuel Emissions Will Screw With Carbon Dating

There are many reasons why we need to cut down fossil fuel emissions: pollution, climate extremes, irreparable damage to our natural world. Now there?s another to add to th...

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Rising Fossil Fuel Emissions Will Screw With Carbon Dating

There are many reasons why we need to cut down fossil fuel emissions: pollution, climate extremes, irreparable damage to our natural world. Now there’s another to add...

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How To Talk To A 5-Year-Old About Climate Change

Climate change can be a scary thing to talk about with grown-ups, let alone children. It is also very complex, with long-term effects that reach into future decades and cen...

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Climate Change Fight Will Help Global Economy, Al Gore Tells Toronto Conference

Former U.S. vice-president Al Gore said fighting climate change will be a boon to the global economy, despite critics? fears that abandoning fossil fuels will cripple world...

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Hague Climate Change Judgement Could Inspire A Global Civil Movement

“You have been negotiating all my life”, cried out 21-year-old Anjali Appadurai from the lectern of a UN climate change conference four years ago. The activist,...

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Thousands To Lobby Mps To Back Strong Climate Change Action

Thousands of people from snowboarders and surfers to bee keepers and nuns are set to converge on parliament on Wednesday to urge their MPs to back strong action on climate ...

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