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Here's Why Polar Bears' Summer Just Got A Bit Worse

The area of frozen ocean that caps the North Pole was smaller this past month than during any January on record.
Measurements released last week by the National Snow ...

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NASA Engineers Unveil The First Light-Based Modem For Spacecraft

To send and receive data, orbiting spacecraft depend on radio-frequency communications. It's been this way since the 1957 launch of Sputnik 1, which made use of two radio f...

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The End of Big Data

Personal data is anything but personal. Our phones and televisions listen in on us; the most powerful corporations in the world trade in consumer tics, browsing histories, ...

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Beyond Pink and Blue!

When a baby is born, the obstetrician announces “It’s a boy” or “It’s a girl.” As babies, children learn to categorize everyone as eithe...

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Why Spacex's 'Next Few Missions' Will Attempt To Land A Rocket At Sea.

A barge landing attempt has already been announced for Sunday?s Jason 3 NASA satellite launch from California?s Vandenberg Air Force Base, but SpaceX tells me drone boats w...

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NO2 Emission Rising In India, New NASA Air Quality Maps Show.

The emission of the nitrogen dioxide pollutant has gone up significantly in the South Asia region, including India, during the 2005-2014 period, severely affecting air qual...

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When It Comes To HIV, TV Can Be Good For Your Health

On December 6, joins forces with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Hollywood, Health and Society (HH&S) to sponsor Powering the PrEPosition: (H...

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When It Comes To HIV, TV Can Be Good For Your Health

On December 6, joins forces with the American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Hollywood, Health and Society (HH&S) to sponsor Powering the PrEPosition: (H...

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Space Origami Could Pack Big Structures Into Tiny Satellites

The founder and CEO of?Oxford Space Systems?(OSS), a venture capital-backed tech company that is designing hardware for satellites, is convinced that new flexible materials...

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The World Is Paying A High Price For More Frequent Extreme Weather Eventsa

"Weather and climate are major drivers of disaster risk and this report demonstrates that the world is paying a high price in lives lost," Margareta Wahlstr?m, head of UNIS...

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