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The Khan Syndrome: Are we ready for a New Kind of Hero?

Admit it. We all need a hero - someone whom we can look up to, admire and believe that he represents the zeitge...

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South Asian University: Where students from India and Pakistan Bond

What would it be like if students from India and Pakistan study the same course and syllabus, in the same classroom, taught by the same facu...

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Salman Khurshid’s ‘Triple Talaq: Examining Faith’ - A straightforward yet comprehensive view of a complicated issue?

I’m here and writing about Former Minister of External Affairs and Indian National Congress party leader,...

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Call him the Kabuliwala ...

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Why Human Mind refuses to believe Facts

'The mind' most often refers to the seat of human consciousness. The the...

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Headless Women of Hollywood

A movie poster featuring a group of men framed by JUST a woman’s legs or bust or any other body part, except the head and/or face is a co...

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David Bowie: An Avid Reader

For a man who left Bromley Technical High School with just one 'O' level (in art), David Bowie ended up a remar...

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Altered Carbon: The Body does not Make the Man

Are you willing to give flight to your imagination? Because this new Netflix series defies logic and builds a story on a pile of figments. T...

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Indian Women are Marching Ahead

India is a complex country. We have, through centuries, developed various types of customs, traditions and practices. These customs and traditions, good as well as bad, hav...

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Landmarks in Women's Rights – A Struggle full of Highs and Lows

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed women can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead<...

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