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It’s Now Possible To 3D Print A Pre-Assembled Robot

A new 3D printing technique from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory has allowed researchers to “print” all of the parts of...

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'Eternal' Data Storage Is Here

Like most, my personal requirements for long-term data storage pretty much end when I end. So, we're talking decades, and certainly not centuries or millennia. I'd even say...

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Why AI Can Still Hardly Pass An Eighth Grade Science Test

An artificial intelligence competition that asked AI models to answer eighth-grade science questionsannounced its winners this week—but it doesn’t look like rob...

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Indian Railways Launches Utsonmobile For Paperless Unreserved Railway Ticket Bookings

Unreserved tickets could not be purchased through mobile earlier and one had to take a printout of the same to show to the TTE. Most of the people who travel through trains...

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New 'Stentrode' Goes Deep Inside The Brain Without The Need For Brain Surgery

Whether it's to allow for the control of robotic limbs or just to watch neurology in action, to really get at the inner workings of the brain it's still necessary to access...

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Engineers Devise A Way To Harvest Wind Energy From Trees

Harvesting electrical power from vibrations or other mechanical stress is pretty easy. Turns out all it really takes is a bit of crystal or ceramic material and a couple of...

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This Bacteria-Powered Microrobot Navigates via Electric Fields

Engineers from Drexel University have devised a bacteria-powered microrobot that can be steered through fluids with applied electric fields. Imagine a tiny, tiny robotic sy...

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A New Advocacy Group Is Lobbying For The Right To Repair Everything

Repair groups from across the industry announced that they have formed The RepairCoalition, a lobbying and advocacy group that will focus on reforming the Digital Millenniu...

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Dil Ka Haal Sune Dilwala

Growing up in Calcutta gave us grounding in sound middle class values out of which I was constructed. We lived in a four room rented ground floor place, P92 SardarSankar Ro...

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CERN Engineers Have To Identify And Disconnect 9,000 Obsolete Cables

In the past, when parts of the accelerators have been upgraded or added to, engineers would often additionally replace the cables that connected them. In the process, they ...

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