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How Scientists Will Turn Your Smartphone Into A Lie Detector

This is the future one Toronto start-up, NuraLogix, is proposing. Their image processing software, called
Transdermal Optical Imaging, claims to decode hidden emotion...

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Kajal Singh Wow's Berlin With Her Striking Street Art

Graffiti and street art may be considered a nuisance by many but it has slowly made its way to being considered a legitimate art form around the world.  One of the fir...

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“An artclass on the footpath…”

Interns Pranoy Shaiva and Shreyas Nair contributed both words and photographs for this writeup.

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Stars Celebrate First Graduating Class From Academy For Peace And Justice In Haiti

Over 40 international Artists for Peace and Justice members and supporters traveled to Port-au-Prince to celebrate the first graduating class of the Academy for P...

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The World Bank Should Champion Human Rights

Much of the evidence supporting the emerging consensus that strong human rights safeguards promote and enhance development has come out of research from the World Bank. Yet...

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A Psychologist Is Trying To Use Genetics To Predict If Therapy Will Work

“How treatment is allocated is still relatively random,” said Dr Thalia Eley, professor of developmental behavioural genetics, and one of the lead scientists of...

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Health Ministry's Own Survey Projects Bleak Picture

A far from healthy picture emerges of India when one carefully analyses data on country's health that was released by the
government. While there have been gains in th...

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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

The project took place at the Hellisheidi Geothermal Power Station, the biggest thermal power plant in the world and the energy provider for Reykjavik, Iceland's capital. U...

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Meet Elle's 2016 Women In Tech

Who's making waves in the world's most influential industry? Meet the powerhouses changing the way you communicate, date, get around, and even do laundry. Marcela Sapone, 3...

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There's A New Plan To Stop Climate Change: Turn CO2 Emissions Into Stone

"It's a promising result," said Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at the Carnegie Institution for Science who was not involved in the project. "If this could be done at a l...

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