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Obama’s Steep New Emissions Rules Praised As ‘Great Advance,’ Scorned As ‘Power Grab’

President Obama's introduction of the final draft of his Clean Power Plan on Monday was met with mixed responses, as the White House hailed the proposal as their "biggest a...

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Greenpeace Temporarily Blockades A Shell Vessel, As The Oil Major Begins Drilling In The Arctic.

The icebreaker that's key to Shell's plans to drill for oil in the Arctic is heading back north after authorities broke a dramatic blockade on Friday by environmentalists i...

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These Scientists Think Genetically Modified Rice Can Help Solve The Climate Crisis

A new kind of genetically modified rice with a higher starch content could produce more food while at the same time reducing the methane, a greenhouse gas, that's emitted w...

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How Obama’s Getting Americans To Care About Climate Change

BARACK OBAMA HAS a way with words?for which he?s been both vilified (all talk!) and adored (so inspiring!). Hate or love, nobody can deny he?s good at communicating. Case i...

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How Obama?? Getting Americans To Care About Climate Change

BARACK OBAMA HAS a way with words??or which he?? been both vilified (all talk!) and adored (so inspiring!). Hate or love, nobody can deny he?? good at communicating. Case i...

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These Scientists Think Genetically Modified Rice Can Help Solve The Climate Crisis

A new kind of genetically modified rice with a higher starch content could produce more food while at the same time reducing the methane, a greenhouse gas, that's emitted w...

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Thousands Of Animals Have Been Saved In Nepal As Mass Slaughter Is Cancelled

A festival in Nepal celebrating the world’s largest animal sacrifice was canceled on Tuesday in a landmark victory for activists. The Gadhimai Temple Trust said the e...

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Hear The Poor Cry

A Very significant document has come out. It is a letter from Pope Francis addressed to everyone on this planet.

Pope Francis is head of the world’s largest r...

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Nearly 20 Million People Were Displaced Last Year Because Of Extreme Weather

Extreme natural disasters like floods, storms and earthquakes displaced nearly 20 million people in 2014, a new report by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) has found. Sin...

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Corporations Going Green For Optimal Returns On HR

The Society of Human Resource Management (SHRM) in a poll defined Green Workplaces as environmentally sensitive, resource efficient and socially responsible workspaces. The...

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