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Earth Wins Time As Land And Seas Absorb More Carbon

Climate change has intensified more slowly than scientists had expected because the continents and oceans are absorbing more atmospheric carbon dioxide. Half of all the car...

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China's Green-Energy Revolution

China generates most of its electricity by burning fossil fuels, just as every rising economic power has done since the Industrial Revolution. But to focus on this single f...

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Shell To Resume Arctic Drilling Off Alaska As Green Groups Warn Of Disaster

Environmentalists accuse the government of ?looking the other way? after US gives green light for Shell to restart drilling for OIL and gas The US government has given Shel...

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The Search For A ‘Legally Binding’ Climate Response

Legal experts claim that even without a new global deal in Paris, governments and companies have legal obligations to avert dangerous climate change. King's College London ...

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Global Warming Slowdown Offers Only Fleeting Relief

Scientists show that long-term temperature rise is the inevitable consequence of increasing greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. The so-called hiatus in global warmi...

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We Need Our Leaders To Speak Out On Climate Change, Not Stay Silent

The less that political, community and business leaders talk about climate change, the more scope there is for scepticism to emerge Something is missing from the British ge...

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Climate change is the most important story of our lives'

Alan Rusbridger, editor-in-chief of The Guardian, on the massive response to the newspaper?s fossil fuel disinvestment campaign and the urgent need to take action on climat...

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Climate-Change Solutions

AGAINST THE BACKDROP of student-led protests urging divestment from fossil-fuel companies, President Drew Faust—declaring that “the challenge of climate change ...

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Get Ready For An Explosion Of Mining On The Ocean Floor

Last week, noted billionaire Richard Branson issued a call for more comprehensive protection of the Arctic, which in turn prompted some people to say rude things to him. Se...

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UN Climate Chief Joins Alumni Calling on Swarthmore to Divest from Fossil Fuels

Christiana Figueres calls on Swarthmore College in a letter to ?play its part in history? and rid its investments of fossil fuels that cause climate change ?The United Nati...

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