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More Antartic Protections Urged On #WorldPenguinDay

The world needs to do more to protect the Antarctic wilderness and its wildlife, scientists warned Tuesday, as they marked World Penguin Day. The flightless seabirds -- a f...

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Nine-Year-Old Sues Indian Government Over Climate Change Inaction

A nine-year-old girl has filed a lawsuit against the Indian government for failing to take action on climate change, warning that young people will pay the price for the co...

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Farm Researchers Are Using Military Face-Recognition Software To Inspect Grapes

Somewhere in a field in South Carolina, a robot drives slowly through the dry soil between tall, swaying rows of sorghum: a nutrient-rich grain. The robot scans the stalks ...

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Thames Water Hit With Record £20m Fine For Huge Sewage Leaks

Massive fine reflects change in sentencing as previously low penalties failed to deter water firms from polluting England’s rivers and beaches Thames Water has been h...

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How Climate Change Battles Are Increasingly Being Fought, And Won, In Court

Around the world courts are stepping in when politicians fail to act, with South Africa’s government the latest to lose a groundbreaking climate lawsuit with judges r...

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India's New Legislation Offers Hope

Last month, the Indian Parliament passed much needed and long awaited legislation on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in India. The new disability law is going to af...

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Why The Environment Needs Water Markets

Since the 1970s, environmental regulations have prevented many environmental impacts, provided minimal environmental flows and prevented construction of large environmental...

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Major Flooding In UK Now Likely Every Year, Warns Lead Climate Adviser

Major flooding in the UK is now likely to happen every year but ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it, the government’s leading adviser on t...

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The United Nations Wants To Crush Extreme Poverty

Negotiators at the United Nations agreed Monday to a set of development goals that aim to end extreme poverty and hunger around the world in the next 15 years, while fighti...

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Leonardo Dicaprio Speaks At 2016 Our Ocean Conference

Last month, Leonardo DiCaprio spoke about the issues facing oceans at the 2016 Our Ocean Conference in Washington, D.C. hosted by Secretary of State John Kerry. T...

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