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Know About Vaccines To Prevent Infections: Dr Hari Kishan Boorugu

Dr Hari Kishan Boorugu, Senior Consultant Physician, Apollo Hospital, Hyderguda, delivered the 248th Public Garden Walkers' Association (PGWA) monthly Health Lecture, on &l...

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8 Apps Revolutionising Maternal Health Care In Developing Nations

In a global community that often treats health care as a luxury rather than a necessity, the world’s mothers are arguably some of those most impacted by inequality in...

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Why Kerala Is The Best Place In India To Die

In recent years, countries like Mongolia and Uganda have been praised for making great strides in improving palliative care, which focuses on managing pain and discomfort c...

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8 Apps Revolutionizing Maternal Health Care In Developing Nations

In a global community that often treats health care as a luxury rather than a necessity, the world’s mothers are arguably some of those most impacted by inequality in...

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Global Health Funding Becoming Scarce: Study

People wasting away from AIDS or succumbing to malaria may become an increasingly common sight within the next 25 years, as funding for universal health care shrivels up. Read More

Saving Lives In Poor Nations Costs $ 5 Per Person

About $5 per person a year could avert the crisis of millions of child and maternal deaths in poor nations, according to a new report.According to John Hopkins researchers,...

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Minimizing Out-Of-Pocket Health Expenditure For India's Poor

The recent adoption of Sustainable Development Goals by the United Nations endorsed an earlier agreement on a resolution passed on Dec. 12, 2012, which emphasizes all membe...

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When Journalists Write Theories Of Change

The Hewlett Foundation’s Global Development and Population program recently released our new strategy on how transparency, participation and accountability can (hopef...

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Beyond Ribbon Cutting

When we started Fixes, we were hoping that interested readers would write in with their own ideas and experiences.  Anyone who read the comments on our debut column, &...

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The Rise Of The Social Entrepreneur

Recently, I wrote a column suggesting that, in the field of social change, we’re getting smarter. I went so far as to say that we may even be going through a new Enli...

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