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When The Robots Steal Your Job, You Can Be An 'Online Chaperone'

The robots might pinch our jobs, but when they do, futurists want to let us know that there could be a whole host of positions still left for Homo sapiens to fill.

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Women Check Out These Gorgeous Posters Promoting Future Of Space Travel

The NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory has released a series of stylish, imaginative
posters advertising fictional vacations in outer space. From “Experience the Mig...

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Seeds For Cinema: An Interview With Dr Shravan Kumar, CEO, CFSI

“At CFSI we not only want to make films but also make film makers”
-Dr. Shravan Kumar
On the fifteenth of February, Director, Producer and Managing Di...

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First American India Symposium On Maternal And Newborn Survival Being Held At Stanford

In India, women die in childbirth from preventable complications regularly, and infants there often fail to receive care that can keep them healthy. The San Francisco Bay A...

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Mark Ruffalo Pledges Support For Massive Protest Action

One of the largest civil disobedience actions in a generation is coming to Capitol Hill in April of 2016. More than 2,000 individuals from around the country, including Gab...

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Why Tagore Would Have Been Branded Anti-National Today

Yes, you read it right. Rabindranath Tagore, the poetic force of our national anthem was against the idea of nation and nationalism. To him, it was merely a machine that in...

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‘Only Gandhi Wrote About Paupers’

Perhaps no other scholar in the social sciences has studied India’s poor and its informal economy as intensively as Jan Breman. The sheer temporal span of his researc...

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European Film Festival Features 'Movies That Matter'

It is peak award season for the film industry, and some fans will be left wanting more. Those who didn’t get their fill of movies this year that focus on meaty topics...

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Nodes Of Exploitation And Discontent: Economy In Fallout

Coming from a limited understanding of economics it is difficult for me to comment on the social economic landscape that dominates international markets and the intricate f...

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Motorbike Ambulance, A Boon For Tribals In Naxal Belt

Virtually cut-off from the modern world, tribals living in inaccessible terrain and dense forests of Chhattisgarh's insurgency-hit Narayanpur district never imagined that t...

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