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Textbooks are increasingly misrepresenting with deletions and distortions altering historical facts. This alarming trend, with targeted violenc...

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Vinta Nanda explores the making of a poet, reaching nowhere obviously, because ‘if we knew what makes a poet, everyone w...

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Uff, that dance of chaos

Khalid Mohamed reviews the political askew Tandav, the heart-tugging Tribhanga and the pertine...

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The National Education Policy (NEP) is not a constitutional document

An analysis, a comparison with the previous policies and development in the new one by Hrishi Ra...

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Status Single & Lockdown

On April 1, 45-year-old auditor, divorcee, Kriva, who quit her last job in December after being harassed for being single, picked on for lookin...

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A CUT above the rest…

My friendship with her is deep.

She's a feminist and the most expressive among most whom I know.

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Who is Teesta Setalvad?

She’s simple, strong and she talks straight. She’s also one of the very few among us, who remains c...

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Tapu Sena’s All Grown Up

Sometimes, script writers would do well to look around and take in what?s really going on in their world, or in the outside world and take a leaf from that. It?s okay to ce...

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Emergency call

Nearly 140,000 people in India died in road accidents last year. Several communicable diseases together do not take such a huge toll on human life. But the country does not...

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