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Cows produce more Greenhouse Gases than Cars

We've been blaming vehicles for causing global warming but not many know that livestock sector is one of the leading causes of climate change, responsible for more greenhou...

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Climate Change In 2016: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

This past year had so many stories involving human-caused climate change – it will be forever in our memories. Here is a summary of some of the high points, from my p...

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Australian Rodent Is First Mammal Made Extinct By Human-Driven Climate Change, Scientists Say

Australia — Australian researchers say rising sea levels have wiped out a rodent that lived on a tiny outcrop in the Great Barrier Reef, in what they say is the first...

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Those Plumes Of Methane Leaking Off The Coast Of Washington Are Really Bad News For The Oceans

As the oceans absorb greater amounts of carbon dioxide from human-caused emissions, the waters off Washington and Oregon have become more acidic. That has forced some comme...

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Climate Change Consensus Extends Beyond Climate Scientists

A Purdue University-led survey of nearly 700 scientists from nonclimate disciplines shows that more than 90% believe that average global temperatures are higher than pre-18...

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New Research Warns Of Catastrophic Food Shortages Due To Unchecked Climate Change

New research supported by the United Kingdom?s Foreign Office and insurer Lloyd?s of London finds that, absent major changes, humanity risks a catastrophic collapse in its ...

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Meet The Only Prominent GOP Presidential Candidate Who Accepts Climate Science

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) announced that he?s running for President on Monday, officially becoming the ninth declared Republican candidate. Of all of them, he?s only one o...

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Human-caused climate change blamed for some heat waves

Washington: Heat waves last year in Asia, Europe and Australia were influenced by human-caused climate change, but not all extreme weather events could be linked to global ...

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Global Warming Is Here, Human-Caused and Already Harmful: Leaked IPCC Report

A leaked draft of a new United Nations report on climate change says global warming has already arrived and is probably already causing harm -- and the heating trend could ...

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Global warming is moistening the atmosphere

Human-caused global warming is causing the upper troposphere to become wetter We have long suspected that greenhouse gases which cause the Earth to warm would lead to a wet...

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