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New York and Woody Allen are synonyms one can safely say and the vast Central Park, where Woody Allen would take rounds for decades, is their c...

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Memories of Underdevelopment

Sharad Raj writes, “Many consider Tomas Alea, the greatest filmmaker to emerge from Cuba and Memories of Underdevelopmen...

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In the land of the capitalists

‘Battleship Potemkin’ was premiered at the historic Bolshoi Theatre auditorium in Moscow on December 21, 1925, writes Monis...

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Sign of the times: So far from God!

Humra Quraishi discusses the definite background to the sorry state of affairs in Afghanistan.

Sunil Shanbag: A Theatre Yatra! Part 2

Aparajita Krishna continues telling the story of Sunil Shanbag from where she left it in Part 1

Global Climate Action Summit 2018: ‘The Challenge is to Act Sooner’

CEO after CEO stood up to declare commitments to reducing carbon use, to everything they do now but cleaner and more efficiently in the Global ...

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Murals: An Artist’s Way of Cherishing the Community’s Past

A perfect shot of yourself in front of a graffiti wall sounds like "the" plan to show it off on the 'Gram. Whil...

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Building a Comprehensive Data to Prevent Violence against Children

National leaders, especially governments, play a crucial role in the data-to-action process. To support nationa...

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Festivals to Watch Out for in the New Year

New year, new films, new film festivals. While 2017 wasn't the best year in films we hope to see better films in 2018. With so much informat...

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Film Festivals dedicated to Architecture

Architecture and film are interlocked: both unfold narrative ideas through space and time, taking us to real and virtual worlds; both start with the imagination ...

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